Exciting news for fans of Keiichiro Shibuya’s acclaimed manga series “Ruri no Houseki”! The series, which has been serialized in KADOKAWA’s “Harta” magazine since 2019, is set to be adapted into a TV anime, with the premiere scheduled for 2025.
Details of the Anime Adaptation:
- Title: Ruri no Houseki
- Adaptation: TV Anime
- Release Year: 2025
Official Announcements:
To mark this exciting development, the official website and social media channels for “Ruri no Houseki” have been launched. Fans can stay updated with the latest news and announcements about the anime adaptation through these platforms.
Upcoming Event:
Further details about the anime adaptation will be revealed at the “Aniplex Online Fest 2024,” which will be held on Monday, September 16th. This event promises to provide additional insights into the anime’s production and release.
- Official Website: Ruri no Houseki Official Site
- Official X (formerly Twitter): @rurinohouseki
Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the Aniplex Online Fest 2024, where more information about “Ruri no Houseki” will be unveiled!