“After School Boy Hanako-kun” Short Anime Returns with New Episodes in October 2024!

The beloved manga “Toilet-bound Hanako-kun” by Aida Iro, which has captivated audiences with its unique blend of supernatural and slice-of-life elements, continues to charm fans with its latest adaptation. The short anime “After School Boy Hanako-kun” is set to make a return with a fresh batch of episodes, starting October 7, 2024!

What to Expect from “After School Boy Hanako-kun”

The upcoming series is a continuation of the short anime “Hanako-kun After School,” and it will air on TBS from 1:35 am on Mondays, with new episodes released weekly. The show will also be available for streaming domestically and internationally from October 8, 2024.

This new installment will feature four episodes, each delivering two segments based on the official spin-off comic of “Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun,” published in the web magazine “P Fantasie” by pixiv and G Fantasy. The series promises to explore new adventures and heartwarming moments with the beloved characters.

Behind the Scenes: Exclusive Staff Interviews

To give fans a glimpse into the making of the anime, we have insights from key staff members involved in the production:

Director Masaki Kitamura shared, “We wanted to capture the essence of making something truly special. The dedication and passion of the entire team have really shone through in this project.”

Series Composer Kazuma Nagatomo reflected on the challenge of producing this new adaptation, noting, “There was pressure to live up to the original series, but we worked hard to ensure we didn’t disappoint the fans.”

Animation Producer Ryo Nishimura admitted the complexities involved in creating a short anime, stating, “Though it’s shorter in length, we put in as much effort as a full-length series to ensure every minute counts.”

A Fresh Take on a Fan Favorite

In the fourth episode of the series, titled “Kamome Monster Nursery School,” fans can look forward to an original storyline that blends seamlessly with the established universe. This episode was a collaborative effort that aimed to surprise and delight both new and longtime fans.

The team behind “After School Boy Hanako-kun” has put their heart into delivering episodes that respect the original manga while adding new layers to the story. Kitamura expressed enthusiasm about continuing the series, aiming to keep the fanbase engaged and excited for future developments.

Rebroadcast and Streaming Information

In addition to the new episodes, “Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun” will be rebroadcast on TBS starting at 1:48 am on October 7, 2024. Fans can catch up on the series or revisit their favorite moments.

Domestic Streaming: Available from October 8, 2024, on platforms like ABEMA Premium, dAnime Store, and Hulu.

International Streaming: Details will be provided on Crunchyroll’s official site.

TVOD and AVOD: Episodes will also be available for rent or limited-time free streaming on services such as Amazon Prime Video and TVer.

Final Thoughts

The return of “After School Boy Hanako-kun” is highly anticipated, with fans eager to see how the story unfolds and how the characters continue to develop. The creative team is committed to delivering a high-quality series that honors the original manga while bringing fresh, engaging content to viewers.

Stay tuned for more updates and make sure to mark your calendars for the premiere of the new episodes!

