Kyoto Animation Unveils Exciting New Releases for 2025 in Special YouTube Premiere with Daisuke Ono

Kyoto Animation, renowned for its beloved series such as Violet Evergarden, the Tsurune series, and Free!, is set to showcase its upcoming 2025 releases in a highly anticipated special program. The presentation will be streamed live on the official KyoAni YouTube channel on Saturday, September 21, 2024, at 9:00 PM JST.

Event Details

Premiere Date and Time: Saturday, September 21, 2024, at 9:00 PM JST

Platform: Official KyoAni YouTube Channel

Narrator: Daisuke Ono

Kyoto Animation has been a pillar in the anime industry, creating heartwarming and critically acclaimed works. With the recent success of the third season of the Sound! Euphonium series, expectations are high for what KyoAni has planned next.

This special program will offer an exclusive look at the new projects slated for release in 2025. Daisuke Ono, a prominent voice actor known for his roles in classics such as AIR, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and the Free! series, will be narrating the event, adding a touch of familiarity and excitement for fans.

How to Watch

  1. Subscribe to the Official KyoAni YouTube Channel: Ensure you’re subscribed to catch the premiere and get notifications for future updates.
  2. Set a Reminder: Mark your calendar and set a reminder for the live broadcast to be among the first to experience the new announcements.

Stay Updated

For the latest updates and announcements, follow Kyoto Animation on their official X (formerly Twitter) account:

Official X: @kyoani

Don’t miss this chance to be the first to discover what Kyoto Animation has in store for 2025. Tune in for a night of exciting new reveals and immerse yourself in the future of anime with one of the industry’s most esteemed studios.

Subscribe now and get ready for an evening filled with excitement and new beginnings from Kyoto Animation!

