Disney Studios announced on their official animation account X (formerly Twitter) that Touya Kenmochi, a member of the VTuber group Nijisanji , will be streaming a live stream of “Moana” starting at 9 p.m. on Friday, November 22nd.
The Disney film “Moana,” the sequel to be released soon, will be broadcast on Friday, November 22nd on Nippon Television’s ” Friday Road Show ,” which airs every Friday from 9:00 p.m.
To coincide with the broadcast, Touya Kenmochi will be watching the show on his YouTube channel. Kenmochi has previously stated that he is a big fan of the series, and has often sung songs from the series during his streams.
The thumbnail for the video being streamed online at the same time was of Kenmochi’s severed head. It was a truly surreal composition, with the ocean as the background, just like “Moana,” with no text or anything else, and just Kenmochi ‘s head floating.
The huge impact of this image quickly became a hot topic on social media, with people saying things like, “The severed head thumbnail is hilarious.” The official Disney Studios X announcement post has received an astounding 54,000 reposts and 150,000 likes (as of the time of writing).
If you access the already released distribution schedule page, the entire screen will be covered with Kenmochi’s severed head floating in the sea. It is not known whether the head will be floating on the screen at all times during the simultaneous viewing distribution, but the thumbnail has already attracted attention even before the distribution.
The simultaneous viewing and streaming of “Moana’s Legendary Sea” by Nijisanji’s Kenmochi Touya will begin on Friday, November 22, 2024 at 8:45 p.m., just before the terrestrial broadcast of “Friday Road Show.” For more information, please check the official Disney Studios (Animation) X and distribution page .
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