“Tokyo Encounter 2,” a show in which Nakamura Yuichi and Sugita Tomokazu play games, will be streamed on the anime introduction video streaming site “AT-DX.” Episodes 99 and 100, featuring voice actress Mizuki Nana as a guest, will begin streaming on November 28, 2024, and episodes 101 and 102, featuring Hayashi Isamu as a guest, will begin streaming on December 26. After that, catch-up streaming will be available three months after the broadcast on AT-X.
“Tokyo Encounter 2” is an original AT-X program starring voice actors Yuichi Nakamura and Tomokazu Sugita. It is broadcast as a new type of gaming variety show that takes place in a certain place in Tokyo, where people encounter each other when a season has passed. It is a 30-minute program in which game-loving voice actors Yuichi Nakamura and Tomokazu Sugita play and talk about games.
“AT-DX” is an anime introduction video distribution site that began service in March 2024. It is a monthly service that can be viewed from a browser on a PC, smartphone, tablet, etc. Some AT-X original programs featuring popular voice actors, such as “Tokyo Encounter 2,” are also available for catch-up streaming. In addition to
AT-DX’s original anime introduction programs, many anime works are also being distributed. A lineup that is a must-see for both voice actor fans and anime fans is being added all the time.
Nana Mizuki, who will appear in the 99th and 100th editions, made her debut as a voice actress in the late 1990s. At the first Seiyu Awards, she won the Singing Award, and at the 4th, she won the Toyama Kei Award, which is given to people who have popularized the profession of voice acting through various media. As of 2024, she is currently appearing in the fall anime “Dandadan” as Hoshiko.
Also, the guest for the 101st and 102nd episodes, Isamu Hayashi, is a voice actor who plays the roles of Michizō Tachihara in Bungo Stray Dogs and Manjirō Sano in Tokyo Revengers. He is also a member of the band SCREEN mode and is active as an artist thanks to his excellent singing ability. On October 29, 2024, they announced their marriage.
Following the episode in which these two appear, “Tokyo Encounter 2” will also be available to watch on “AT-DX” from November 28, 2024. Even if you have difficulty watching CS broadcasts, you will be able to watch it, so please take this opportunity to watch it.
■Program name: “Tokyo Encounter 2”
■Cast: Yuichi Nakamura, Tomokazu Sugita
[Streaming Schedule]
・November 28th (Thursday) at noon … #99, 100 (Guest: Mizuki Nana)
・December 26th (Thursday) at noon … #101, 102 (Guest: Hayashi Isamu)
*After that, the episodes will be streamed three months after the broadcast. #103 and #104 are scheduled to be streamed in March.
<Overview of the “AT-DX” service>
480 yen per month (tax included)