The all-new animated film “The Rose of Versailles” will be released on January 31, 2025. The official trailer, which features beautiful singing voices and magnificent music, has been unveiled. It was also revealed that the film will be narrated by former Takarasienne Kuroki Hitomi and the theme song will be sung by singer-songwriter Ayaka, and the two have sent in comments filled with love for “The Rose of Versailles.”
The Rose of Versailles, also known as The Rose of Versailles, is a masterpiece by Ikeda Riyoko that vividly depicts the love and lives of people trying to live their lives in revolutionary France. It has been serialized in Weekly Margaret since 1972, and has sold over 20 million copies. The original manga, which has garnered enthusiastic support from readers since its serialization, has become a social phenomenon in many ways, including being adapted for the stage by the Takarazuka Revue and for a TV anime, and has become a milestone in the world of girls’ manga.
The completely new animated film will be directed by Yoshimura Ai, known for “Ao Haru Ride” and “Cheer Boys!!”, and animated by MAPPA, known for “Jujutsu Kaisen” and “In This Corner of the World”. The cast includes Sawashiro Miyuki as Oscar François de Jarjayes, Hirano Aya as Marie Antoinette, Toyonaga Toshiyuki as Andre Grandier, and Kato Kazuki as Hans Axel von Fersen. Other cast members include Takeuchi Shunsuke as Alain de Soissons, Eguchi Takuya as Florian de Gelodel, Irino Miyu as Bernard Châtelet, Ochiai Fukushi as Louis XVI, Ginga Banjō as General Jarjayes, and Tanaka Mayumi as Marron Glacée Mont Blanc, bringing together a star-studded cast of talented voice actors.
The story of love and destiny unfolds around two beautiful roses, Oscar and Antoinette, and four others, including Andre and Fersen. In a stormy era, the lives of Alain, Jelodel, Bernard, Louis XVI, General Jarjayes, and Maron, who surround them, are told of their sad but loving ways.
The trailer that was just unveiled is filled with famous scenes scattered throughout, and the sad but beautiful tears of Oscar at the end, which will make your heart beat faster and bring you to tears.
The greatest appeal of this new work, which begins after more than 50 years, is the beautiful singing voices of the main cast and the magnificent musical direction that tells the story of this work. 15 songs by Hiroyuki Sawano have been fused with the overwhelming scale and visually beautiful animation by elite studios and staff including MAPPA, and a new “Rose of Versailles” has been born, with the characters and their feelings put into song.
It has also been revealed that the film’s narration will be provided by Kuroki Hitomi, a former Takarasienne who is currently active as an actress, as well as a voice actress in major films such as the roles of Elastigirl in “The Incredibles” series and Hisako in “When Marnie Was There.”
Kuroki, who first encountered Takarazuka Revue through “The Rose of Versailles,” commented, “I think the appeal of “The Rose of Versailles” isn’t just in its historical facts, but in the way it focuses on each individual character who lived in that era and depicts their lives, love, and suffering. I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to participate as a narrator. This story, which mixes historical fact and fiction, is a lovely work that will be remembered for future generations. I hope people will watch it again and again.” She expressed her love for “The Rose of Versailles,” which she could say changed her destiny, and shared a message for the work.
Furthermore, Kuroki has also been confirmed to appear at the preview screening to be held on December 8th. In addition to the main cast including Sawashiro as Oscar, Hirano as Antoinette, Toyonaga as Andre, and Kato as Fersen, as well as Director Yoshimura, Kuroki, the narrator, will also be on stage to give a first look at the film.
The theme song, which envelops the film with its magnificent singing voice and melody, was written by Ayaka, who has written songs that have been sung by generations, such as her debut song “I believe” and the theme song for the TV drama “Hanako to Anne”, “Nijiiro”. The song written specifically for this film is “Versailles”, whose title is in keeping with the film.
Ayaka said , “I was deeply moved by the courage, pure love, and fleeting destiny hidden within the strength of the characters as they survive turbulent times, and I put my heart into every note and word in order to express those feelings in music. As a new page is added to this timeless masterpiece, I hope that fans will enjoy the song along with the work,” and wrote about her love and respect for the work and the passionate feelings she put into the song.
In addition, a “Rose of Versailles Movie Support Team” project has also been started in relation to the film. The condition for application is that applicants must love “The Rose of Versailles.” 300 people will be selected by lottery from those who answer a questionnaire about their history with “The Rose of Versailles,” their first encounter with “The Rose of Versailles,” their favorite character, etc., and appointed as “The Rose of Versailles Movie Support Team.”
Those who are certified will be presented with a “digital certificate” (smartphone wallpaper image), and 40 pairs of 80 people will be selected by lottery to be invited to the premiere screening. In response to requests for flyers for this film from all over the country, digital flyers have also begun to be distributed, so be sure to check out the official website.
The all-new animated film “The Rose of Versailles” will be released on January 31, 2025. We look forward to hearing more information in the future.
The animated film “The Rose of Versailles”
will be released nationwide on Friday, January 31, 2025.
■ Original story: Riyoko Ikeda
■ Staff:
Director: Ai Yoshimura
Screenplay: Tomoko Konparu
Character design: Mariko Oka
Music producer: Hiroyuki Sawano
Music: Hiroyuki Sawano, KOHTA YAMAMOTO
Animation production: MAPPA
Production: The Rose of Versailles Animation Film Production Committee
Distribution: TOHO NEXT, Avex Pictures
■ Sponsored by: Embassy of France in Japan / Institut Français
■ Cast:
Oscar François de Jarjayes: Miyuki Sawashiro
Marie Antoinette: Hirano Aya
Andre Grandier: Toshiyuki Toyonaga Hans
Axel von Fersen: Kazuki Kato
Alain de Soissons: Shunsuke Takeuchi
Florian de Gelodel: Takuya Eguchi Bernard
Châtelet: Yui Irino
Louis XVI: Fukuji Ochiai
General Jarjayes: Banjō Ginga
Marron Glacé Mont Blanc: Mayumi Tanaka
Narration: Hitomi Kuroki
Theme song: Ayaka “Versailles”
(C) Ikeda Riyoko Productions / The Rose of Versailles Production Committee