On September 10, 2024, the Japan premiere of “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” took place, featuring a star-studded event with voice actors Koichi Yamadera and Mariya Ise. This special occasion was marked by a unique “full-body dubbing” performance, where the actors transformed into their characters’ appearances and bodies, receiving enthusiastic applause from the audience.
The venue was designed to evoke the eerie ambiance of the “afterlife,” complete with green Lumica lights that added to the otherworldly atmosphere. Yamadera and Ise expressed their excitement about the film and their roles, highlighting their dedication to the full-body dubbing process.
The film, which premiered in the US on September 6, 2024, has already exceeded $100 million at the box office. Yamadera expressed his hope for a similar success in Japan, and praised the film’s quality and Tim Burton’s direction. Ise shared her admiration for the film, noting the significance of its sequel after 35 years.
During the event, the audience was treated to a special behind-the-scenes video showing Yamadera’s transformation into Beetlejuice, which involved an extensive 4.5-hour makeup process. The video showcased the meticulous effort and respect for Tim Burton’s analog style.
An exciting highlight was the unveiling of the full-body dubbing version poster, which received rave reviews from the audience. Yamadera and Ise were thrilled to learn that Tim Burton had seen the poster and praised its quality. Yamadera even joked about a potential offer for “Beetlejuice 3.”
As the event concluded, Ise expressed her hope that audiences would enjoy the film’s Halloween-themed story, while Yamadera emphasized the importance of making a significant impact with their performance.
“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” will be released nationwide in Japan on September 27, 2024, following its impressive reception at the Venice Film Festival and its successful U.S. debut. The film is set to continue its success with the support of fans and the dedicated work of its cast and crew.
For more updates and information, follow the official Warner Bros. Japan website and social media channels.