The beloved manga “Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun” by Iro Aida, which has sold over 10 million copies, continues to captivate audiences with its anime adaptation. Following the successful broadcast of the TV anime’s first season in January 2020 and the recent short anime “Hokago Shounen Hanako-kun,” fans are eagerly anticipating the next chapter. The “Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun Kamome Academy Summer Festival,” held on July 28, 2024, at the Animate Theater, brought together fans and cast members for an unforgettable event.
Event Highlights:
- Key Visuals and New Information: The festival showcased the third key visual for the anime, featuring main characters Kunai Hakuto and Tsukasa, among others, hinting at new story developments. The event also provided exciting updates about the sequel and the upcoming second season of the TV anime.
- Special Appearances: Six main cast members graced the stage:
- Hanako-kun & Tsukasa: Megumi Ogata
- Yahiro Nene: Akari Kito
- Gen Hikari: Shoya Chiba
- Akane: Junichi Toki
- Mitsuba: Daiki Kobayashi
- Hinata Natsuhiko: Hiroki Mizushima
Event Activities:
- Live Dubbing Session: The cast performed live voice-over sessions for scenes from the short anime “Hokago Shounen Hanako-kun.” Highlights included dramatic and comedic moments from scenes like “Fireworks” and “The Mysterious Sickness.”
- Interactive Games: A fun game segment had the cast answering summer-themed questions, with correct answers leading to giveaways of signed merchandise and collaborative goods. Notable answers included “kakigori” (shaved ice) for summer treats and “kabutomushi” (rhinoceros beetle) for summer insects.
- Exclusive Screenings: The festival featured the world’s first screening of episodes 5 and 6 of the “Hokago Shounen Hanako-kun” sequel, with the audience reacting enthusiastically to new storylines and character developments.
Upcoming Releases:
- “Hokago Shounen Hanako-kun” will air its sequel episodes starting October 7, 2024, on TBS.
- “Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun” Season 2 is set to premiere in January 2025 on TBS nationwide, promising an exciting continuation of the beloved series.
Final Remarks:
The cast expressed their excitement about the upcoming second season and their gratitude for the fan support. With a mixture of heartfelt messages and humorous anecdotes, the event solidified the strong bond between the creators and the fans.
Stay Tuned:
For the latest updates and more details on “Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun,” visit the official websites and follow the anime on social media:
- Official Website: Visit here
- Official X Account: Follow here
- Official TikTok: Follow here
The “Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun” universe continues to expand, and fans can look forward to more magical and mysterious adventures with their favorite characters.