Dragon Ball, one of Japan’s most famous manga series, written by Akira Toriyama, has reached its 40th anniversary since it began serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 51 of 1984 (released on November 20 of the same year). To commemorate this, the Dragon Ball 40th Anniversary Website has been launched.
Dragon Ball, which has enjoyed explosive popularity not only in Japan but also around the world, was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from issue 51 of 1984 (released November 20 of the same year) to issue 25 of 1995 (May 23 of the same year). The growth and battles of the main character, Son Goku, are depicted with overwhelming artistic skill and storyline, and it continues to fascinate fans around the world across generations.
The comics have sold over 260 million copies worldwide. Even after the serialization ended, new stories continue to be spun, and a completely new anime series, “Dragon Ball Daima,” commemorating the 40th anniversary, will begin airing in October 2024.
The newly opened “Dragon Ball 40th Anniversary Website” not only delivers the latest information to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the series’ serialization, but also collects memories and messages about the work from DRAGON BALL fans around the world. If you post a message or illustration on X (formerly Twitter) with the hashtag “#DragonBall40th”, it may be posted on the website.
Additionally, different characters will appear on the site’s homepage on a weekly basis. There will also be a fun twist where something happens if you press the LIKE button next to the character a lot. The site plans to unveil a variety of new projects over the next year, which will be its 40th anniversary, so keep an eye on future developments.
In addition, the “DRAGON BALL” permanent website “Dragon Ball Official Site” delivers the latest information related to the work, such as comics, anime, games, events, figures, cards, and goods. Be sure to check it out along with Official X, which provides the latest information.
“Dragon Ball Official Site” –
Delivering the latest information on “DRAGON BALL” including comics, anime, games, events, figurines, cards, and merchandise.
– “Weekly Dragon Ball News”: Introducing the latest information every Monday.
– “Almost All of Toriyama Akira’s Work”: Introducing one rare image every other day, from manga to character designs and interviews, that is now difficult to see. This is special content that you cannot miss, available only for 24 hours after publication.
– “Drawn by Toyotaro”: A special project where Toyotaro, who is currently serializing “Dragon Ball Super” in “V Jump”, will release original illustrations. Updated monthly.
– “ABOUT” section: Check out the 40th anniversary history of the series with a timeline!
(C) Bird Studio/Shueisha
(C) Weekly Shonen Jump 1984 No. 51/Shueisha