Celebrating a decade since its anime debut, “Haikyuu!!” continues to capture the hearts of fans worldwide. Originally serialized in Shueisha’s “Weekly Shonen Jump” from 2012 to 2020, Haruichi Furudate’s hit manga brought the intense world of high school volleyball to life, with a TV anime adaptation starting in 2014. Recently, the series took a big leap to the big screen with the film “Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle,” featuring the much-loved Karasuno vs. Nekoma showdown.
In 2024, the series marks its 10th anniversary with the launch of the “Haikyuu!! 10th Anniversary -Connect- Project,” celebrating a decade of memories with fans through special events and exhibitions, with a grand finale event planned for 2025. As part of this milestone, Animate Times is hosting a relay interview series with the cast members, connecting their thoughts and memories over the past 10 years. This time, we spoke with Kaito Ishikawa, the voice of Kageyama Tobio, about his reflections on the series and what it means to him.
Interview with Kaito Ishikawa (Voice of Kageyama Tobio)
— How do you feel about Haikyuu!! reaching its 10th anniversary? Do you have a message for the fans who have supported the series for so long?
Kaito Ishikawa: I am deeply honored to reach this milestone, all thanks to the passionate support and love from our fans. Reflecting on the journey, it’s amazing to think about how we’ve been able to share the greatness of Haikyuu!! together for the past decade. I’ve made countless memories along the way, and I look forward to creating even more with everyone in the future.
— Among all the matches depicted in the series, which one stands out as your favorite?
Ishikawa: The match against Aoba Johsai High during the Inter-High is still vivid in my memory. Karasuno had grown and honed their skills through intense practice and previous matches, only to face Aoba Johsai, a formidable opponent that truly embodied strength. It’s also the point where Kageyama’s journey as a setter truly began, making it unforgettable for me.
— Haikyuu!! is known for its memorable quotes and iconic scenes. Is there a particular line or moment that stands out to you?
Ishikawa: The scene with the “Unfun Time” speech from the Johzenji High coach is something that really stuck with me. The idea that “to play, you need a playground first” and that true freedom in play comes from having the skills to execute—it’s a philosophy that resonated not just with the characters but with me as well. It’s something I think about when considering how to enjoy every moment.
— Each school in Haikyuu!! is unique and has its own charm. If you could face any team as Kageyama, which one would you choose?
Ishikawa: I’d love to go up against Shiratorizawa Academy. Witnessing Ushijima’s overwhelming presence would be thrilling, but I’m also intrigued by Tendou’s cunning blocks. His ability to find just the right words to provoke his opponents is something that impressed me even during recording sessions. I can’t help but wonder how I’d react if faced with him in a match.
— As part of the 10th Anniversary “Connect” Project, what question would you like to pass on to the next interviewee, Yuichi Nakamura?
Ishikawa: During Nekoma’s chant, how did you feel delivering it in the TV series compared to the movie version? Did your mindset differ?
Haikyuu!! 10th Anniversary -Connect- Project
The Haikyuu!! 10th Anniversary Project kicked off on April 6, 2024, exactly ten years after the anime’s first episode aired. With a theme of “connecting,” the project celebrates a decade of Haikyuu!! by linking its history and fans through various commemorative events. Highlights include exclusive “Connected Schools” visuals featuring major characters, anniversary exhibitions, and limited-edition merchandise. Fans can look forward to a year-long celebration honoring the series they love.