The original TV anime “Mayonaka Punch,” from the talented PAWORKS team behind “Ya Boy Kongming!,” is set to premiere on July 8, 2024. The series features Masaki, a member of the “Harikiri Sisters,” a NewTuber trio striving for online fame. After being fired from her channel, Masaki meets Ribu, a vampire who offers her a second chance. Together, they embark on a thrilling journey to create the best videos and reach a million subscribers.
In our ongoing staff and cast interview series, we spoke with Hitomi Ueda, who voices Tokage—a character defined by her boldness, love for gambling, and unique personality.
Embracing the Role of Tokage
Q: What was your first impression of “Mayonaka Punch” when you encountered it during the audition?
Hitomi Ueda: When I first heard about the concept of NewTubers and vampires, I thought it was a natural progression in anime, given the growing popularity of video creators. The character designs were vibrant and energetic, and I was excited to be part of this innovative story. Initially, I even thought it might be the same creative team behind “Akiba Maid War,” which I was also part of.
Q: You auditioned for both Ribu and Tokage. How did you feel when you were chosen to play Tokage?
Ueda: I was thrilled! Tokage is a character who follows her desires without hesitation—especially when it comes to money and gambling. I remember jotting down “MONEY” in big letters on my script because that really drives her character. I was excited to dive into her bold and unapologetic personality.
Q: Tokage’s character is often described as a free spirit who is true to her desires. How did you approach portraying her?
Ueda: Tokage is the kind of woman people say would be great if she just stayed quiet (laughs). But that’s what makes her so compelling—she’s full of contradictions, with a mix of boldness, kindness, and a unique charm. I wanted to make sure that came through in my performance, balancing her comedic moments with a touch of sensuality and realness.
Behind the Scenes: Bringing Tokage to Life
Q: You mentioned feeling a strong connection to Tokage during the recording sessions. What stood out to you?
Ueda: I often get cast in roles that are a bit on the rougher side, like Tokage, but I’m generally a very straightforward person. Playing Tokage allowed me to embrace a side that’s completely opposite of who I am, and that was refreshing. She’s a character who’s driven purely by her own interests, and I think audiences will love her for that.
Q: Tokage’s appearance in episode 3 was particularly memorable. Can you share any insights about that scene?
Ueda: Episode 3 was one of my favorites! Tokage really comes alive with her bold statements and actions. I even received a beautiful illustration of her character from the staff during the final recording session, and it perfectly captured her essence. It’s these little moments that make playing her so rewarding.
Q: How do you hope viewers will respond to Tokage?
Ueda: Even though all the characters in “Mayonaka Punch” are over-the-top, Tokage stands out with her strong presence and charisma. She’s not just about the comedy; she has layers of depth and a sense of maturity that comes from her long life as a vampire. I hope fans will find her just as lovable and captivating as I do!
A Must-Watch Anime This Summer
“Mayonaka Punch” is shaping up to be one of the most unique and entertaining anime of 2024, blending the world of online video creation with supernatural elements. With a star-studded cast and creative direction, it promises a mix of comedy, drama, and high-energy action that fans won’t want to miss. Catch Tokage and the rest of the vibrant characters when the series begins airing on July 8, 2024!
Stay tuned for more interviews and updates on “Mayonaka Punch.”